While these two words are often used interchangeably, and although they are in the same family (fungi), mildew and mold are actually quite different. They do have some commonalities however. Mold and mildew both have a liking for moist, warm and poorly ventilated areas where they are best able to thrive. Mold usually appears to be more rigid and resistant to removal while mildew appears to be less resistive. Read More
Although most types of mold are benign and are innocuous to your health, some can cause great harm with prolonged exposure. You can actually use your health symptoms to discover mold if you pay close enough attention, and people who have a mold allergy are much more sensitive to the mycotoxins in the mold. In extreme cases, people with chronic lung illnesses, such as obstructive lung disease, may even develop mold infections in their lungs. Read More
Do you have excess moisture in your home? Was there a plumbing leak or sewage backup? Is your health suffering, such as hay-fever symptoms, dermatitis, or more frequent asthma attacks? You could very well have mold in your house. Hiring a professional mold removal service is the best way to go. Read More
Mold is typically a problem that affects new homes that are not inspected properly and homes that have not been maintained well over time. While in many cases, mold is not dangerous and just needs to be removed by a professional, there are types of molds that are particularly hazardous for you and your family that can be tested by an Industrial Hygienist. Below are five of the most common signs of mold. If you find that there is mold in your home, call a professional mold specialist for the removal and if you wish for the mold to be tested please call an Industrial Hygienist. Read More
Have you ever been in the kitchen cooking and things in your home decide to go insane? The kids could start fighting, a spouse may call for help, or an animal gets itself trapped somewhere in the house? These things may tempt a reasonable person out of the kitchen. But, if you want to keep your family and house safe, turn off the stove before you leave the room. Kitchen fires happen quickly and are the cause for most house fires. Precautions will keep one from happening to you. Read More
No one wants to think about it until it is too late. Preparing for a disaster is not an easy task but it will make it easier on the entire house hold if you get ready for it beforehand. On the news you see floods, wildfire, riots, sinkholes and a wide range of events that are terrifying if imagine your family in the midst of one. Read More
At Drying Tech of PWC, we take pride in offering our valued customers throughout Northern Virginia with the highest quality water and fire damage restoration services. Take a look at the video below to see why Drying Tech of PWC is the best choice!
Summer is almost here! It’s that time again for yummy hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill.
Many of us will enjoy a weekend in the backyard, which can only get better with the relaxing atmosphere of being the master of the grill, producing mouthwatering masterpieces for friends and family. Read More
When your property becomes damaged you want to know that the right person is caring for it. Well here at Drying Tech I am proud to say we can extend our care past our job title. We are very thankful to know many people in many different types of work. We find ourselves in conversations inside or outside of work where someone needs something. In our heads a lightbulb goes off and the words “I have someone for that” runs across our brains like a train. We can call these people up on the spot and will get a response quickly. These people are reliable and trustworthy treating your home or property just like we would our homes. If our clients or past clients need anything from us we try to find someone that can do the best job for you. If you would like to know more about our vendors please check out our Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/dryingtechpwc?ref=hl for Vendor Fridays! Looking for someone now? Call or Email us! We always have our phones on for you!
Have you ever experienced leaking or foundation problems during a rain storm? Perhaps your basement leaks a bit or you find water sneaking in around the front door. This is a larger problem in areas where it does not rain all too much or in older homes, so going through ways to improve your home and to cut down on the potential for any rain and water related problems is helpful. Here is a list of ways for you to prep your home before a rain storm.
For heavier rain storms, consider placing sandbags around the doorway. Generally, pile the sandbags up two to three deep in order to create a barrier. Many cities provide free sand and bags available for residents. Even if these are not available, it is inexpensive to pick this up, so if you have any sort of leaking around the doors (or even garage doors), this is the way to go.
If you live in an area with a lot of hills, you need to cover up any exposed soil. Exposed soil is more likely to take on too much water as there are no plants and root systems there to absorb the water.
Should this happen, it can make the soil unstable and cause small mudslides. This really only happens in a hilly area or alongside a mountain, but even if you live in flat lands, look towards covering the soil up to at least prevent overly muddy areas of your property.
If you have a sump pump, turn it on before the storm hits. The sump pump is an excellent way to push water away from your home in order to prevent it from causing damage to the foundation of the house. A sump pump is usually more often used in locations that receive a large amount of water throughout the year or a property that is located at the base of a hill.
If your home does not have a sump pump and you sustain water leaking into the basement or are at the base of a hill, you might want to look into investing in such a system, it can drastically cut down on the impact water from a rain storm or even melting snow may have on your property and the underground foundation.
Cleaning out the gutters is a must, and you really should do it at least once in the spring and once in the fall. Over time, all sorts of debris can collect in the gutter. From foliage from local trees to birds building nests, there are all sorts of items that can find its way into the gutter. If the gutter is not cleared out it is both going to cause water to spill out in different areas around the house but it can seep up and cause water damage to the roof as well.
These are different ways you can prep your home for an upcoming rain storm. If you’ve suffered any severe damage in the Northern Virginia area, you can always call Drying Tech to restore any water damage.