10 Jun. 21
Tips to Prevent and Stop Mold from Spreading
If you have been getting stuffy nose, sore throat, burning eyes or skin rash yet you don’t have a fever or it’s not flu season at all, chances are, your home might be infested with mold. Molds are everywhere but they should not be found inside your home. However, molds can get inside through your home openings such as your windows, doors, vents and even your HVAC system. You can also bring it inside through your shoes and even your pets when they go outside. The problem with molds is that they multiply really quickly especially if there is moisture around.
Mold means problem
Having mold inside your home is bad news for people suffering from asthma. It can make their condition worse and those with chronic lung diseases may get infections. Yes, molds are a healthy part of the environment as they are used in creating penicillin and essential for the decomposition process of organic matter but should not be found inside your home as it can cause several serious problems which may include structural and health problems. Because they can spread quickly, it can be hard to completely eradicate molds. They can even grow anywhere such as your carpet, clothing and even in places that you can’t see.
If you have mold inside your home, you need to clean it up and fix the problem immediately. You should know some tips to prevent and stop mold from spreading. Here are some effective tips for you:
- Make sure there is mold inside your home. You need to know if there is mold growth in your home and identify where the area is. A thorough home inspection should be enough to check any mold growth. You can make your home mold proof but you can prevent molds from spreading and causing more problems. Check if there is any moisture problem as molds can breed in areas with high moisture.
- Keep a healthy humidity level. Mold’s favorite breeding place is an area with a humid environment. Therefore, it is advisable that you keep your humidity levels inside your home on a minimum level. If there are areas with excessive moisture, make sure there is proper ventilation. Remember to turn on the vent fans when using the kitchen and bathroom.
- Make your home mold resistant. You can consider installing mold resistant products. You should also make sure to clean your home regularly. Regular dusting, vacuuming and wiping of surfaces can prevent mold problems. If there are windows, keep them open and let the fresh air enter to improve ventilation inside. Your home can never be mold free but you can minimize its growth and stop it from spreading.
- Dry wet areas. Make a habit of cleaning and drying surfaces inside your home, especially inside your kitchen and bathroom. You need to dry these areas because mold can’t grow and thrive without moisture.
If there is mold growth in your home, do not panic. Inspect the problem and decide whether you can handle the problem or call the help of experts to deal with the problem.