As the middle of winter is here, it is important that you check your home’s plumbing system especially your pipes. During the winter months, it is a great idea to prepare your pipes from freezing, or else, it can cause so much trouble to your home and plumbing system. As the temperature starts to drop and it’s freezing outside, your pipes can get frozen and when it happens, the water inside the pipes can turn into ice and keep the water from flowing out of your affected faucet. Imagine the inconvenience and the trouble it can cause you.
The winter weather can be harsh on your pipes, but not all pipes can be affected by it. Some pipes are more prone to freezing than others due to their locations. Here are the lists of pipes more at risk of freezing:
Winterizing your home is the best idea to prevent frozen pipes. A frozen garden hose can cause damage to your home because it increases the risk of having a burst interior pipe. In order to prevent this from happening, it is important that you disconnect your garden hose, drain it and store it before the winter arrives. Also, remember to close off the interior and shut off the valve that connects to your faucet. And do install a faucet insulator.
For under-insulated walls, it will be a good idea to open up the wall and beef up the installation, especially if the pipes on it already have the history of getting frozen. For exposed pipes in unheated areas of the house, try doing some foam pipe insulation. They are inexpensive and can protect your pipes during winter.
So, you haven’t got the time to winterize your home and now you end up with a frozen pipe. Instead of blaming yourself, look for ways on how you can find a solution for it. What are the things you can do to unfreeze them? If you suspect that you have a frozen pipe, you need to thaw it. However, be careful when thawing because if the pipe has already burst, the water will come out and flood your home in an instant.
When thawing, turn on the faucet. As you heat the frozen pipes with an electric heating pad, or a dryer, the ice plug will melt so it should be able to flow smoothly. Running water, whether it’s cold or not, can help melt the ice inside the pipe. Continue doing it until the water pressure inside your home is back to normal. However, if you cannot locate the frozen pipes, or if the area is not accessible or is preventing you from thawing it, it is recommended that you call the service on a licensed plumber. An expert plumber will know how to locate it and deal with the problem as early as possible before it can cause more troubles and serious problems.
No one wants to deal with a sewage back up but whether we like it or not, it can happen sometimes. It can be quite frustrating and can cause extensive property damage, not to mention the health risks that you and your family are exposed to. Sewage backup cleanup is necessary to ensure everything in your home is safe and free of any germs or whatsoever associated with the sewage backup incident. Sewage backup can be prevented. Here are some things you can do to keep sewage out of your home. Read More
Fall is here and it means the colder weather is just around the corner. Is your home ready for the cold season? Winter can come quickly so it is always a good idea to prepare your home beforehand. You may think that your home is fine and doesn’t need any preparation at all but when you look closely, you will realize there are lots of things you need to do.
Preparing your home for winter doesn’t just make your life comfortable during the coldest time of the year, but it can also prevent big maintenance issues which can be costly. And your home’s heating costs spiraling out of control is definitely the last thing you would want this winter, wouldn’t you? Here are a few tips you can do to make your home winter ready. Read More
Do you suspect mold growth in your home? You can do a quick inspection in your home to check. However, what will you do when you can’t pinpoint the source? Mold growth can be visible to the human eye but not when it is under your feet. The crawl space beneath your home can be the perfect place for mold growth. Because it is moist, dark and has ample food supply, it can be the friendliest condition for mold to multiply.
When you are cleaning your home during the spring, don’t forget to call experts to shampoo your home’s carpets. Winter weather conditions can lead to having additional debris on the carpets in a home because you and your guests will have a lot of debris on your shoes. Here is how having your carpets cleaned in the spring offers several benefits.
When you have a sewage backup onto your property, it is a disaster that requires a professional cleaning process. Sewage is a dangerous substance that contains parasites, viruses, and bacteria that can make you seriously ill. In addition to possible contamination from skin contact, the pathogens from sewage can filter into the air, and breathing the microorganisms is also dangerous.
For most people, a home is definitely one of the most valued possessions. These structures provide shelter from the elements, safety from outdoor wanderers and entertainment that the whole family can enjoy. Unfortunately, a percentage of homeowners do not take the right precautions for taking good care of their homes. One of the biggest concerns with a house is fire damage. Fire damage can be an expensive and stressful event for anyone because you could lose irreplaceable items. Other than having to deal with smoke and smut, fire can rip through a house by burning and weakening the structure. The cleanup process can be traumatizing to some degree, and the majority of homeowners do not possess the knowledge to properly restore the home to its natural glory.
Contrary to a common misconception that mold is found in dirty places, mold can be found almost anywhere. Mold thrives well where there is plenty of moisture and may at times be difficult to detect and remove. Most homeowners won’t detect mold until they notice visible spots on affected walls and other surfaces. Others only take action against mold when they develop of respiratory problems such as sore throats and stuffy noses even during the warm seasons. Luckily, Drying Tech has compiled a number of tests to help you determine if you have stubborn mold lurking behind the walls. Here is how to detect mold: Read More